Client: LU Bastogne
Topics: Campaign, Digital, Film, Creative
Exactly as good as you remember
Bastogne is much more than a biscuit. It is as close to a cultural institution as a biscuit can be. It is a catalyst for a stream of cosy memories.
The task /
After decades of being Denmark’s uncrowned king of biscuits, the Bastogne biscuit from LU was losing market share to private-label knock-offs. But the one thing these lack is the most delicious ingredient of all: Nostalgia.
Our Approach /
So with everyone in Denmark having fond memories of the original Bastogne, we relaunched the biscuit with cozy nostalgia as the focal point… and as our quirky new “product claim”.
Results /
Kampagnen scorede over benchmark på samtlige parametre. Her er de vigtigste:
- Ad-liking 14%-point over benchmark
- Entertainment factor 18%-point over benchmark
- Mere end halvdelen af respondenterne ønskede at prøve produktet hvilket er 21% over benchmark
Visa’s “The Equal Sponsorship” skal bringe dækningen op på niveau med herrefodbold
July 2022

Branded hva' for NOGET?

Branded hva' for NOGET?

Branded hva' for NOGET?